Wise School
15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive in Los Angeles
Written byLaura Watts
Wise School is home to approximately 500 students from 3 months old through sixth grade. Wise School teaches critical and creative thinking skills and inspires students to imagine limitless possibilities. Teachers help children find moments of peace and wholeness—shalom. Wise School students learn the importance of the dream of their ancestors … to make the world a better place and turn tikkun olam into a way of life.
How does your school encourage children (and parents) to live a healthy lifestyle?
“More than 80% of our fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders participate in after-school athletics, and our teams compete well (and demonstrate excellent sportsmanship) against other schools. Our Sustainability Committee—parents, teachers and administrators—introduced an organic/Kosher hot lunch program and initiated an edible garden for our children to cultivate vegetables on campus. We also foster mindfulness and gratitude as part of our weekly school worship opportunities and through the blessings we say before and after meals.”
What do kids love most about your school?
“Wise students tell us that they love the warm and deep sense of community that they feel at our school. We are a welcoming community that actively embraces our new families. Our new Music Innovation Lab is a student favorite, as are our weekly worship services, which include opportunities for students to help lead and participate.”
What are some new initiatives about which you are excited?
“Over the past three years we have partnered with USC’s Rossier School of Education, enabling our teachers to think about curriculum and instruction in exciting new ways and bring greater depth and creativity to our learning. Our new Music Innovation Lab, Science Lab and Project Studio support our instructional goals and create enthusiasm for the subject matter.”
What sets your school apart from the rest?
“Eternal Jewish values like respect, honesty and kindness animate classroom discussions about a variety of topics. Our exclusive partnership with USC’s Rossier School of Education helps us to tie this all together as we elevate the skills we are nurturing in our students—to learn deeply and be creative throughout all of our disciplines—from language arts to music to Judaic Studies. All of our learning is ultimately for a higher purpose: to make our world a better place.”