West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center
Tina Koopersmith, BA, MD, FACOG
13320 Riverside Dr. #220, Sherman Oaks | 818-986-1648 | womensreproduction.com
Off the Clock with Dr. Koopersmith
For many years I spent weekends attending my sons’ sporting events: soccer, basketball, baseball and pole vaulting. I was always the mom running around the park during pregame warm-ups to get in her exercise. Now that my boys have grown, I train for half-marathons and triathlons. At any given time, I’m always involved in a philanthropic effect of some kind. I often contribute to the fundraising efforts of Teams In Training, which raises money through marathon participation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Most Sundays I can be found shopping at the Studio City Farmers Market and then cooking with the fresh, organic groceries I picked up there.
Shared Tip
My favorite daily breakfast is a smoothie. The base is usually soy or almond milk with a juice. I usually throw in banana, berries and fresh wheatgrass and cucumber or kale. For healthy protein and fats, I add nut butter and flaxseed oil. A side of coffee or tea is always a part of my morning regime. I aim for nine servings or more of fruits and vegetables per day.
I encourage all women to really know themselves: body, mind and soul. I advise women to pay attention to their cycles, as they can often give you and your doctor insight into your health. I also recommend women watch their digestion (pay attention to which foods agree with you more) and stick to a plant-based foods diet. Find an activity you like to do and try to get out there to do it three to five times per week. I often remind women to ensure they practice self-care, as you will have more patience with your family, be more focused at work and have a more positive outlook daily.
What trend is changing your specialty?
“Elective egg freezing. Recently, with the development of flash freezing, egg survival after thawing is now over 90%. It is clear that women are most fertile in their 20s, and fertility declines with age—taking an abrupt decline in the late 30s. Today many women are busy with education and/or career during their 20s and 30s. Some are reluctant to put education or career on hold while they start a family. Other women have not found a partner and they are concerned that by the time ‘Mr. Dad’ shows up, their fertility will be compromised. Egg freezing offers a fantastic fertility insurance policy for women.”
What is unique about your style and technique?
“As a physician I see myself as a detective searching for disease, but I also believe it is my role to be a health advocate, counseling about disease prevention and lifestyle modification to optimize health. I encourage my patients to find the right work-family balance, choose the best foods, move their bodies regularly and ensure they take time to nurture their souls.”
What does the future hold for your practice?
“Anxiety is often at an all-time high for women who enter my office. My goal is to transform that experience. We offer 10-minute mini-massages and meditation sessions. We are planning to add nutritionists, psychotherapists, acupuncturists and sports trainers to have weekly classes and support systems such as reminder texts, motivational texts and a buddy system to help them stick to their health goals.”
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