There’s Still Time for Christmas Tamales!
Yes, you can still get tamales by Dec. 25, no matter what holiday you may celebrate.
CategoryEat & Drink
Written byDiane Haithman
The Sauce could write “holiday tamales,” but the fact is that serving up plenty of tamales is a Christmas tradition in the Latino community, so “Christmas” is accurate. This is not to say, however, that you can’t celebrate just about anything with tamales—and now is the time to grab some.
Ever since moving to LA, I’ve been reading mouthwatering news stories about people lining up outside neighborhood restaurants for Christmas tamales like Star Wars: The Force Awakens is playing inside. This year, this blog presented the perfect excuse to go tamale-hunting myself.
This was more difficult than I expected. Internet searches of “best Christmas tamales” turned up many establishments downtown and in East LA but surprisingly few in the San Fernando Valley. Well that’s just nuts, given the demographics of our area. One has to assume those who make lists of Christmas tamale venues haven’t taken the time to look over the hill.
I didn’t have much time left to hunt, either—so if I’ve failed to include 100 wonderful Valley establishments that turn them out just like your abuela’s kitchen, please send those names along for next year. In the meantime, the search led me to an unexpected place: California Fiesta Tamale at Burbank Town Center shopping plaza (there’s another location in North Hills).
Chicken and beef tamale combo plate
I have to admit I was a little disappointed that my quest for a borrowed family tradition ended up at the mall. But, hey, this is Southern California, and magic happens where it happens. The tamales here are large and tasty (I especially like the spinach and cheese), the staff is friendly, and if you order by Wednesday you can still get your Christmas tamales for pickup on Thursday (closed Christmas Day).
Or no matter what you are celebrating, enjoy Fiesta Tamales for a hearty lunch when you come back to the mall to return your “holiday” gifts next week.
Burbank Town Center, Suite 374, 201 E. Magnolia Blvd., 818-567-6100
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