The Buckley School
The Buckley School is a K–12 college preparatory school, founded in 1933, with an enrollment of 790 students.
3900 Stansbury Avenue, Sherman Oaks | 818-783-1610 | buckley.org | facebook.com/thebuckleyschool
The Buckley School is a K–12 college preparatory school, founded in 1933, with an enrollment of 790 students. The goal of teachers and administration is to develop students with self-confidence, creativity, high integrity and a range of interests and talents. Some of the extra-curricular activities offered are competitive athletics, performing arts, student government and international studies. Applications for admission will be available in late August for the 2014-2015 year.
What would you like kids and parents to know about your school?
“We have incredible things going on in our math and science departments. Last fall we opened a new Robotics and Applied Sciences classroom, and in September, a new, 14,000-square-foot building devoted to science, technology, engineering and math will open. Our program is very hands-on and employs an interdisciplinary, applied approach.”
What do kids love most about your school?
“Their teachers! They also tell us frequently that they like the fact that they have the opportunity to participate in so many and varied activities through our curriculum and our extra-curricular programs. This is driven by our small size and educational philosophy. They also love Buckley’s combination of creativity and challenge. Young people really like when you hold high standards for them, and we do for all of our students.”
What sets your school apart from the rest?
“Our educational approach definitely does, because it combines a creative, whole-child philosophy with elements of structure. The depth and approach of our moral education program also is quite unique. And finally, our canyon campus is a real point of difference. We’re removed from the city around us, which creates a safe, quiet setting where students can really focus on learning.”
As a K–12 school, how does your program vary across the divisions?
“The Lower School (K–5) takes a developmental approach with play and creativity. The Middle School program (6–8) builds study and thinking skills and provides a safe environment for self-exploration, expression and personal discovery. The Upper School (9–12) is college preparatory with a more challenging curriculum that gradually increases students’ independence and expands their world view.”