SoCal Hearing West Valley
Jonathan Leiterman, ScD
5525 Etiwanda Blvd., Suite 312B | Tarzana | 818-578-5093 | Socalhear.com
Off the Clock with Dr. Leiterman
I spend time with my wife of nine years, Shoshana, and two sons. I enjoy hot yoga, golf, playing basketball, coaching my son’s sports teams, and I am an avid rider of motorcycles.
Shared Tip
Hearing loss is correlated with a lot of different medical disorders. It’s important to ask your doctor to get an annual hearing test to make sure you’re not losing hearing.
Practice Specialty
Hearing solutions and vestibular diagnostics. We specialize in finding the top hearing technologies to help improve people’s quality of life and helping physicians help diagnose vestibular disorders.
Was there a defining moment in your career that guided you to where you are now?
“Yes, I lived with someone in college who had hearing loss. Little did I know that would be the gateway to my career. He was a young guy and was embarrassed about his hearing loss. It opened a whole new world to me.”
To what do you attribute your practice’s growth?
“Praise from patients. My Yelp reviews have allowed patients to get a perspective about what other patients think. The patients are already sold on me prior to their appointments.”
What is your area of specialty?
“As an audiologist I specialize in hearing and balance disorders. A large emphasis is on hearing solutions (hearing aids). The baby boom generation is getting larger, and more and more people are having issues hearing. I am well-versed in the best hearing technologies available.”
What trend is defining your specialty today?
“Technology! As the technology of hearing solutions advances and can be utilized with smartphones, patients have the ability to use these tools for more than just improving their hearing. They can listen to music and take phone calls.”
How do you educate your clients to take good care of themselves?
“More and more research is being done, and the research findings is that hearing loss does affect how the brain functions as we get older. I try to encourage patients to be proactive about health care instead of waiting for things to get worse.”
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