Alan Taylor

  • Owner

    Alan Taylor Real Estate
    Group at Compass

  • Address

    14140 Ventura Blvd. #100, Sherman Oaks 

  • Phone


  • Website | Social

  • Photographed by

    Jeffrey Fiterman

  • Special Section

    Men Who Lead

Alan Taylor Real Estate Group at Compass offers marketing and advisory services to sellers of fine homes and estates, architectural properties, and real property held in trust or sold through probate court. Founder Alan Taylor leads a team of professionals dedicated to providing five-star service to clients. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business marketing from California State University, Northridge. His professional journey started in residential lending as both a loan officer and wholesale rep. Alan is a second-generation Realtor® and the third member of his family to sell real estate in Los Angeles. He has worked in the industry for 22 years.

How do your social connections benefit you and your clients?  

Being a member of multiple networking groups, serving several charities, coaching my kids’ sports and expanding on real estate relationships built over 60+ years in the family business help me connect buyers and sellers. Real estate is a people business.

How do you foster a positive relationship with clients?

It starts with doing the right thing. When we do that, our clients take notice and they listen. And we believe in constant contact, helping our clients stay focused on what they do best.

How do you find time to fit it all in?

It’s taken awhile, but I’ve finally surrounded myself with a great team and built systems and processes to maintain a large client list while staying active in the community. At home, my wife works harder than I do, and we have two rambunctious kids in sports. It’s a lot, but it all works.

Tell us about the latest in real estate.

The Fed’s battle with inflation and turmoil at the National Association of Realtors, including a commission lawsuit. Still, more than 90% of buyers and sellers trust their Realtor to guide them through the most important financial decision of their lives.

Disclaimer: Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the state of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License #01991628. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but has not been verified.