LA Orthopedics
Shahab Mahboubian
10640 Riverside Dr., North Hollywood | 818-322-0126 | LAOrthopedics.com | HeightLengthening.com
Shared Tip
If you sustain a minor injury, make sure to rest and ice it for a couple of days to allow the swelling to go down. Once the swelling has gone down if you are still in pain, come in for an evaluation. If you decide to “work it out” or ignore it, your injury can become worse and lead to further and longer treatments, including possible surgery. I try to always treat minor problems with conservative care, such as physical therapy and proper exercises. If your symptoms do not improve, then we will discuss the possibility of undergoing surgery.
Practice Specialty
Working on the human body and helping those with musculoskeletal injuries was always a passion of mine at a very young age. Learning about making people taller and correcting their deformities came toward the end of my orthopedic residency, and I found it fascinating. I was determined that this specialty would truly fulfill my desire to help those in need. In the past few years I have been able to not only make people taller or walk normally, but I have raised my patients’ confidence and helped them achieve their lifelong goals.
Before & After
Here’s an example of a height lengthening patient who gained a full 8 cm in height. He is a 23-year-old man who went from 5'3" to 5'6" in a matter of three months. He is now walking tall and with a lot more confidence. These pictures show his height compared to his mom before and after his surgery.
Tell us about your background.
“I completed my training in limb lengthening and deformity correction surgery at the world-renowned Hospital for Special Surgery in New York in 2010. Along with general orthopedics, some of the specialized surgical techniques I perform include correction of bow-legs and knock-knees and leg-length discrepancies. Cosmetic limb lengthening, however, seems to be the most talked about surgery that I perform among my patients.”
What is unique about your style and technique?
“I have been fortunate enough to learn from some of the best surgeons in the country, and I keep myself updated on all the latest techniques in orthopedic surgery. Using minimally invasive procedures, along with my drive for perfection and being very meticulous during surgeries, sets me apart from other surgeons.”
What’s most rewarding about your work?
“There is a great satisfaction when I see my patients moving at the speed of life with minimal to no pain because of the treatment or surgery that I provided for them. It’s very rewarding to do what I enjoy and have my patients benefit from it at the same time.”
What’s the fascination about being taller?
“Sixty percent of CEOs in the top companies in America are 6 feet and taller. People in general love tall men and express that affection by promoting them to positions of responsibility. People who are taller have higher salaries than most, more confidence and enjoy better relationships. It’s no wonder that we get many inquiries about the height lengthening procedure.”
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