The Joint Teaches Coffee Cupping Classes in Sherman Oaks
At The Joint in Sherman Oaks, longtime coffee pro Kevan Moscoso rotates roasters and leads monthly cupping classes that showcase top producers.
CategoryEat & Drink
Written byJoshua Lurie
More specialty coffee bars have started to surface along Ventura Boulevard, but none of them can match the focus and flair found at The Joint—an unlikely (but convincing) seafood and coffee concept in Sherman Oaks.
Longtime coffee pro (and Valley resident) Kevan Moscoso leads The Joint’s coffee program. He previously managed Café Dulce at ROW DTLA and wanted to make a caffeinated impact closer to home. His goal is to “bring something different and something to challenge people to think outside the box when it comes to coffee.”
To that end, his team of baristas selects beans to feature through blind tastings. Starting on January 26 at 2 p.m., they’re also hosting educational coffee cuppings to share coffee evaluation methods with curious customers.
“Because specialty coffee is so new to this area, doing cuppings and education has become paramount to me,” Kevan says. “Hopefully cuppings lead into discussions about sustainability and what the producers go through.”
Customers also get to try different flavors and see what they like. “Certain people like coffees more bright and citrusy,” he says. “Other people might like coffees more earthy and chocolatey.”
The Joint will start by cupping five different coffees at their initial tasting and may expand offerings at future tastings. “Coffees can taste so different because of different micro-climates,” Kevan says. He’ll help customers see nuanced differences between coffees from particular regions or countries.
The Joint currently brews beans from Pasadena-based Copa Vida and San Francisco’s Sightglass, but other roasters from Los Angeles and beyond are all fair game, depending on blind tasting results. “When we put a coffee on our counter, that’s because we like it,” Kevan says. “It’s less about the brand and more about how it tastes and the roaster’s relationships.” In the future, they may host roasters to tell their own stories.
In general, Kevan is working to spotlight coffee producers. “My goal is to enhance the lives of the coffee producers and not just treat them like a commodity,” he says. “As a barista, my job is to not screw all of that up.”
13718 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, 818-510-0626