DBD Designs, LLC
“Flippie Slippies are two shoes in one: They keep your toes warm when you get out of your bath, by the pool, get the newspaper or take the dog for a walk.”
Sherman Oaks | 888-991-3330 | flippieslippie.com
In the summer of 2006, then-preteen Danielle Dinstman learned how to decorate flip-flops by crocheting over them with different colored yarns. Danielle’s mother, Leslie Dinstman, thought, “What a great idea!” They bought a bunch of flip-flops and started decorating them in an assortment of colors and designs. Danielle decided to call the flip-flops “Flippie Slippies,” since you can wear them as slippers in the house or outside as a flip-flop. “Danielle has always been a very creative person,” Leslie says. “As Danielle’s mother, I decided to use her creativity and take it a step further by starting this business venture.” She named the company DBD Designs, using her daughter’s initials. DBD Designs showcases embellished flip flops at various fundraisers and retail boutique stores in the Valley as well as stores throughout the country through their wholesale line.
Danielle dreamed of becoming a fashion designer as early as age 10. Today she is an art student at Oakwood High School in North Hollywood and will be attending Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan this fall to pursue her visual arts interests. Danielle is the chief designer of the company. She decides which flip flops to use for the base and which colors will be used on the wholesale line.
Leslie graduated from CSUN in 1980 with a B.S. in Home Economics with an emphasis in consumer science. In the ‘80s, she worked for various food companies and also had her own catering business. Leslie handles order processing, wholesale business, bookkeeping, hiring crocheters to make the Flippies, website management and inventory of supplies with various vendors.
What would you like potential clients to know about you?
“We are very customer service-oriented. I treat our customers the way I would like to be treated. I return every phone call I receive and follow up on every inquiry and delivery that is shipped out.”
What is your hope for the future—generations to come—for your company?
“I hope Danielle will keep the business going in the years to come and hand it down to her kids. I would love to see every girl and lady wearing Flippie Slippies.”
What’s most rewarding about your work?
“When I see a toddler, girl or woman slip into Flippie Slippies and watch their expression of how comfortable they feel with the yarn tingling on their toes!”