Fitness buff Ryan Levitus shows how fit a dad of two can be
He may be deskbound during the day, but catch Ryan Levitus in his free time and you’ll discover a fit and focused father of two, with a physique that rivals that of any professional athlete.
With his 40th birthday rapidly approaching, 39-year-old Ryan Levitus is hyperaware of the importance of staying active, eating healthy and, most importantly, listening to that “inner” voice we sometimes like to ignore.
The Minnesota native says outdoor activities have always been a part of his life.
“The city, Edina, where I grew up was like every 1980s John Hughes movie—all-American. Sports were a huge part of the daily culture. My family and I were always on the lakes sailing, windsurfing, ice-skating, and playing tennis and biking in the summertime.”
In 1996 Ryan headed to LA to attend the University of Southern California to study fine art and communications. There was also another major draw.
“A big part of moving out here was the chance to get into surfing. You have to want to learn because it’s a big commitment, but it’s worth every moment. It provides a reset for me. I feel like a new person after I’ve been in the water.”
Although Ryan has a family, wife Alexis, a jewelry designer, 8-year-old Riley and 4-year-old River, he still manages to make time to surf in Malibu or Venice every two weeks.
During the week, Ryan’s busy at work as a motion graphic designer for TV and film.
“I love the creative part of my career, but it’s very sedentary sitting at my computer all day. It’s second nature to stay active, and when I don’t get a chance I start to feel it.”
On the weekends he dives into the outdoors with his family—hiking, skateboarding or playing tennis.
“I think people make the mistake thinking they have to kill themselves in order to get a good workout. I think it’s a combination of making better food choices and getting some activity every day, if possible.”
Ryan had a typical Midwestern diet growing up, reaching for “soda rather than water.” That all changed in his 20s when he started “eating cleaner.”
These days Ryan’s diet is vegetable heavy and incorporates organic proteins like wild-caught fish and grass-fed beef as well as healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil.
“Don’t get me wrong. I cheat here and there but when I want something sweet, I’ll reach for dark chocolate that’s filled with antioxidants or a fruit smoothie that has fiber.”
With Ryan’s mindful eating and active lifestyle, he’s making sure his 40s are the best years yet.
On Ryan’s List
Ryan and his family head to the farmers market in Studio City nearly every Sunday. Here are his favorite vendors.
Probiotic Boost
The sauerkraut is amazing. It’s vegan, raw and delicious. I throw it on an avocado with some sardines for an easy snack.
Dave’s Gourmet
I always get a container of the “spicy chop veggie”—a blend of daikon, carrot, garlic and soy sauce, which is fermented, aka good for your gut.
Diamond Mountain Ranch
We love their grass-fed and humanely raised meats and poultry.
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