Concierge on Call
Discover how the latest apps make it possible to satisfy just about every need or desire—without ever leaving home.
This shopping app allows users to order delivery from outlets ranging from Ralphs to Costco to Petco. The fee depends on size of order and the delivery time. Just like Uber, during busy times, expect surge pricing. To avoid higher fees, order for delivery a day in advance. A tip fee (10% of order total) is automatically added to the bill. At some stores (like the Van Nuys Costco) selection is limited. instacart.com
Amazon Prime Now gives existing Prime members (already paying $99 per year) free, two-hour delivery on the retailer’s large cache of items. It is standard protocol to tip the delivery drivers. Users can shop for Amazon items as well as for groceries at Bristol Farms. amazonprimenow.com
Amazon Fresh is much like Instacart, but in addition to being able to shop for groceries, you can also purchase premium products at various LA shops. The service is only available to Prime members and it costs an additional fee of $15 per month. Includes goods from swanky outlets like Canter’s Deli, Santa Monica Seafood, The Cheese Store of Beverly Hills and Marconda’s Meats. amazonfresh.com
Craving sushi but don’t feel like waiting for a table or battling traffic? With the Postmates app, users are connected with local couriers who can deliver store and restaurant items to your doorstep in minutes. A service of 9% is automatically applied to purchase price or order. postmates.com
Running around like a mad person with no time to stop for gas? Try the Purple app. Whether at home or the office, Purple will bring you the type and amount of fuel you want at a competitive price. There is a $6 charge for one-hour service; $4 fee for the three-hour window. purpleapp.com
No need to stress out over splitting a dinner check any more. With Venmo, IOU’s are a cinch. You can send another person money from your bank account (or a Venmo account) directly to theirs. Sign up everyone from the babysitter to your freelance employees. If you send money using your Venmo balance, bank account, debit card or prepaid card, there are no fees. If you use a credit card, a 3% fee applies. venmo.com
Blow off shopping for a new holiday outfit that you know you’ll wear a few times and then tire of. With Rent the Runway, you can choose from thousands of designer dresses and accessories and just return items when you are done; they take care of the dry cleaning. Rent for four or eight days. Works best when you plan in advance; wait until the last minute and the best items are often not available. renttherunway.com
The Glam App is essentially beauty on demand. Glam delivers experts to your front door, for services that range from blow-dry to manicure to full-on makeup application. Prices are competitive. Standard tipping applies. theglamapp.com