At The Table With Deepak Chopra
California Lifestyle Expert, Lisa Keating talks with Doctor Chopra about his new book in this on-camera interview at Lyfe Kitchen. Lyfe opened their first LEED Certified restaurant on Ventura Blvd. in Tarzana, California in November 2013.
At The Table With Deepak Chopra M.D.
I had the opportunity to sit and chat on camera with Doctor Chopra recently. Having been a fan of his work for a number of years, I found it exhilarating to have some time with him without having to become one of his patients.
Chopra's latest book is entitled What Are You Hungry For? and it's an important question. We all have cravings or food moods, but often when we find we are carrying more weight than we want, what we are truly hungry for and what we eat aren't really related. Dr. Chopra introduces the concept of mindfulness into the weigth loss conversation.
Mindfulness. Think about it. Take a moment and imagine sharing a meal with a thin friend. What is it that defines their attitude toward their food? I'll bet you'll find mindfulness at the heart of their behavior.
When I think of my friends who appear to have mastered the art of eating without gaining weight there's one trait that dominates my mental pictures. My thin friends are read more here . . .or . . . click photo to watch video