As Dog Is My Father – T. Ward talks Mr. Peabody & Sherman
EncinoMom interviews Tiffany Ward, Executive Producer of Mr. Peabody & Sherman and President of Jay Ward Productions.
CategoryPeople, Social Scene
Ms. Ward opened her offices to us and shared details of her journey from daughter of a brilliant businessman, eccentric and serial entrepreneur to President of Jay Ward Productions, Inc. Colorful and fun, Ward’s office is full of memories and memorabilia from the cast of characters created and licensed by her father. Iconic characters that defined an era and still resonate with audiences today including, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Boris & Natasha, Dudley Do-Right, Nell, Snidely Whiplash, George of the Jungle and of course, Mr. Peabody & Sherman.
We spent a lovely afternoon chatting about the past, the present – just days before the U.S. premier of Mr. Peabody & Sherman and the future. Join us for some behind the scenes scoop on the new movie, clips and even a special offer for our YouTube subscribers . . . read more here.