Kevin Dees

  • Founder

    Dees Real Estate Group
    @Carolwood Estates 

  • Address

    10120 W. Riverside Dr., Toluca Lake

  • Website | Social | @kevindees

  • Photographed by

    Jeffrey Fiterman

  • Special Section

    Men Who Lead

A graduate of Crespi High School in Encino and the University of Southern California, Kevin Dees started his career in the entertainment industry in roles ranging from radio/TV host and producer to marketing and sales. He transitioned to the real estate industry 15 years ago and is the founder and team lead of Dees Real Estate Group. His team joined Carolwood Estates at the beginning of 2024 and services Greater Los Angeles and the surrounding beach communities.

In your opinion, what are the top traits that make a great business leader?

Focus, attention to detail and reliance on trusted systems. My father and best friend (outside of my amazing wife), broadcaster Rick Dees, would frequently tell me growing up, “How you do one thing is a sign of how you do everything.” My dad has been a wonderful mentor. The long hours and practice he devotes to his craft are truly amazing—it’s no wonder he is in the radio and TV broadcasting halls of fame. He has been so supportive of me and would always tell me that as long as I was caller #102, he was there for me.

What is your greatest achievement professionally?

Last year we were fortunate to represent both the buyer and the seller of one of the top three most expensive residential transactions in the history of the Valley: the Bob Hope Estate, for $26 million. It is a historically renovated treasure sitting on more than 5 acres of prime real estate in Toluca Lake. 

What inspired you to pursue a career in the real estate industry?

The entertainment business was never truly my passion, and the decision to shift focus to the real estate industry is the best professional decision I ever made. I have had a passion for design and architecture most of my life. The unique history of the Los Angeles area is fascinating. The homes are beautiful, and their beauty is equaled by their unique history and owners. In my youth, my mom would take me to open houses all over the city, and that was the catalyst that ignited my passion.

What are the biggest challenges to your industry’s success right now?

Navigating what feels like the perfect storm of policy changes and current economic conditions. It seems like every day there is a new challenge. But the fun part of that is working with my incredible team to come up with solutions to each of these new changes. 

What are some key qualities for leaders? 

Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. 

What milestones have you achieved over the past year?

For some time, I had dreamed of having my own brick-and-mortar office in my hometown of Toluca Lake. This dream became a reality in January of this year when we opened the Toluca Lake branch of Carolwood Estates, and I couldn’t be more excited to be even more a part of this incredible community that my family calls home. 

Why are you considered a go-to person in the community?

People come to us for the experience we bring to the table. The bottom line truly is the bottom line. We get our customers the maximum return on their investment, and our track record proves this fact. 

Tell us about your family.

I feel so fortunate that through hard work, always doing the right thing and simply caring about all people, I have been able to build a business that I would have never imagined would be possible. However, the biggest blessing I have received in life was meeting my wife, Kristen, and having our two healthy little girls: Ava, age 6, and Briar, age 2. They are a constant source of inspiration. 

What local hot spots do you recommend?

Forman’s, Prosecco, Patty’s and the best sushi in town, Sushi Yuzu, which happens to be right next door to our Carolwood office in Toluca Lake!